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Author: Moliere

Title: Dom Juan [in French]

Year: 16??

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: EServer

Author: Moratti, Pietro (fl. 1630)

Title: Racconto de gli ordini e provisioni fatte ne' lazaretti in Bologna, e suo contado in tempo del contagio dell'a

Year: 1631Bologna

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard:

Author: Morgan, William

Title: Morgan's map of the whole of London in 1682 [incl. Westminster & part of Southwark; by William Morgan; Lond. T

Year: 1682/1904

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ULondon-IHR

Author: Muggleton, Lodowick, 1609-1698

Title: A true interpretation of the Witch of Endor...

Year: 1669 Lond.

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Mun, Thomas

Title: England's Treasure by Forraign Trade

Year: 1664

Format: Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: McMasterUHstEc

Author: Mun, Thomas, 1571-1641

Title: England's treasure by forraign trade (rpt of 1664 ed.)

Year: 1664/1895

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Mylius, Andreas, 1649-1702

Title: De testamento tempore pestis condito =: von dem Testament, so zur Zeit der Pest auffgerichtet wird ... [plague

Year: 1680 Leipzg

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard:

Author: Mylius, Andreas, 1649-1702

Title: De testamento tempore pestis condito =: von dem Testament, so zur Zeit der Pest auffgerichtet wird ... [plague

Year: 1680 Leipzg

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard:

Author: Napier, John, 1550-1617

Title: Logarithmorum canonis descriptio, seu Arithmeticarum supputationum mirabilis abbreuiatio. : Eiusque vsus in vt

Year: 1620]

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: CMU-Posner

Author: Naudaeus, Gabriel

Title: The History of Magick. By way of Apology, For all the Wise Men who have unjustly been reputed Magicians

Year: 1657 Lond.

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Naunton, Robert (Sir) 1563-1635

Title: Fragmenta Regalia, probably written about 1630 (ed. Edward Arber; repr. from 3rd posthumous ed., 1653) [G.B

Year: 1630?/1870

Price: Free

Publisher: UCLA

Author: Naylor, James 1617-1660

Title: Milk for babes: & meat for strong men: a feast of fat things; wine well refined on the lees...

Year: 1661 Lond.

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: EarlhamSchoolR

Author: Netherlands. Dutch Revolt ] (48)

Title: The Dilemma of a Reformed Minister with a Rural Charge, 3 May 1602

Year: 1602

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ULeiden

Author: Netherlands. Dutch Revolt ] (49)

Title: Religious Conditions in the Province of Utrecht, July 1606

Year: 1606

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ULeiden

Author: Neville, Henry, 1620-1694

Title: Plato redivivus, or, A dialogue concerning goverment ... [w/] observations drawn from other kingdoms & states ...

Year: 1681 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: BrownUniv

Author: Newton, Isaac (Sir) 1642-1727

Title: Mathematical principles of natural philosophy. (Tr. Andrew Motte 1729). [important text in the histor

Year: 1687

Format: Html/Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: BrockU

Author: Newton, Isaac (Sir) 1642-1727

Title: Selected Works

Year: 1687-1704

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Luminarium

Author: Niccols, Richard

Title: The Beggers Ape [published annonymously]

Year: 1607/1627

Format: PDF Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UOregon

Author: Norden, John

Title: Vicissitudo Rerum. An Elegiacall Poeme on the interchangeable courses ... in this world.

Year: 1600/1931

Format: PDF Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UOregon

Author: North, Dudley

Title: Discourses Upon Trade;...the Cases of the Interest, Coynage, Clipping, Increase of Money

Year: 1691

Format: Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: McMasterUHstEc

Author: O'Dowde, Thomas [groom to K Charles; phy

Title: Two letters conce[rn]ing the cure of the plague ... to Thomas Elyot esq... grooms, bed chamber to his Maiesty

Year: 1665 Lond.

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard:

Author: Ogilby, John & William Morgan

Title: Ogilby & Morgan's large scale map of the City as rebuilt by 1676 [London]

Year: 1676

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: ULondon-IHR

Author: Okeley, William

Title: Eben-ezer, or, ... miraculous deliverance of Wm. Okeley, Wm. Adams, John Anthony, J. Jephs, J. Carpenter from

Year: 1676 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Okeley, William

Title: Eben-ezer, or, ... miraculous deliverance of Wm. Okeley, Wm. Adams, John Anthony, J. Jephs, J. Carpenter from

Year: 1675 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalifornia

Author: Olszowski, Hieronym

Title: Szkoa Salernitaska: to iest Nauka doktorow salernitaskich, o sposobie zachowania zdrowia dobrego: z dawna krolowi angielskiemu przypisana

Year: 1650 Krakow

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Osborne, Dorothy 1627-1695

Title: Selected Writings

Year: 16??

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Luminarium

Author: Otway, Thomas 1652-1685

Title: The History and Fall of Caius Marius. A Tragedy As it is Acted at the Duke's Theatre [digital facsimile]

Year: 1680

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: SCETI

Author: Own, John (Ioannis Audoenus)

Title: Epigrammata (ed. Dana F. Sutton; Latin & Eng. tr.)

Year: 1606-13

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UBirminghamUK

Author: Paracelsus, Philippus Theophrastus

Title: The Aurora of the philosophers [frm Paracelsus his Aurora ...]

Year: 1659 Lond.

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AlchemyWeb

Author: Paracelsus, Philippus Theophrastus

Title: The Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists

Year: 1659

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AlchemyWeb

Author: Paradin, Claude

Title: Princeliicke Deviisen Gabriel Simeon, Deviisen oft Emblemen der Helden

Year: 1615 Leyden

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UGent

Author: Parker, Henry, 1604-1652

Title: Jus populi, or, a discourse wherein clear satisfaction is given as well cooncerning the right of subjects as the right of princes ...

Year: 1644 Lond.

Price: Free

Publisher: QueensUniv

Author: Pascal, Blaise

Title: La machine d'arithmetique [in French; his account of his adding machine]

Year: 1645

Format: Html/Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: BiblioUnivsell

Author: Pascal, Blaise

Title: Letters (tr. Mary L. Booth)

Year: 1670/1909-

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Bartleby

Author: Pascal, Blaise

Title: Minor Works (tr. O.W. Wright)

Year: 16??/1909-

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Bartleby

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