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Author: Wartenweiler, David

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Year: 1999

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Publisher: Clarendon

Author: Warth, Robert D.

Title: Nicholas II: The Life & Reign of Russia's Last Monarch

Year: 1997

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Publisher: Praeger

Author: Washburn, Stanley, 1878-1950

Title: Field Notes from the Russian Front [American; WWI War correspondents -- Russia; eastern front; Nicholas II, 1

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Author: Wegren, Stephen K., 1956-

Title: Agriculture and the state in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia

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Author: Wheeler, Geoffrey

Title: Racial Problems in Soviet Muslim Asia

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Title: An Interpretation of the Russian People

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Author: Wolff, David

Title: To the Harbin Station: The Liberal Alternative in Russian Manchuria, 1898-1914

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Title: Always With Honour (fwd, Herbert Hoover)

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Title: Before the Storm: A True Picture of Life in Russia prior to the Communist Revolution of 1917

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Author: Wulff, Dietmar

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Author: Zabriskie, Edward H.

Title: American-Russian Rivalry in the Far East: A Study in Diplomacy & Power Politics, 1895-1914

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Publisher: OxfordUP

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Author: Ziegler, Charles E.

Title: The History of Russia

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Author: Zyuganov, Gennady

Title: My Russia: The Political Autobiography of Gennady Zyuganov (ed. Vadim Medish)

Year: 1997

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